• Member of the Elvictor Group


Elwin Crew Management do not collects or accepts any form of processing or placement fee. Beware of Illegal recruiters.

Are you a Seafarer?

Applying directly by sending your updated CV at: recruitment@elwin.com.ph. For faster processing, put the Rank and Vessel on the e-mail subject. Alternatively, you may click the button to proceed with our online application.

Apply Online

We think Differently and
We are Restless.

We are crew manning agency, ELWIN. Member of the Elvictor Group and certified by POEA. ISO 9001:2015 accredited company. We operate about 350+ vessels including Bulkers, Tankers and Container Ships.

LIC. NO.: POEA-014-SB-061918-UL-MLC

Company Success

Our Group in Figures

We are part of ELVICTOR GROUP, INC., a crew recruiting and manning offices network.

With crew retention in LPGs, Chemical, Product, and Oil Tankers, Bulker and Container Vessels of over ten nationalities exceeding 95% retention and a promotion ratio of over 22%, with incidents less than 1%, and being sustainable for over four decades (since 1977), is a testimony to our proven personal and value servicing and our quality orientation.

The first and unique Crew Management Company globally listed in the US OTC Markets with ticker ELVG, where Ship Managers and Seafarers may become shareholders.

For more about ELVICTOR GROUP,INC., click here


Current Fleet


Crew Retention Rates


Seafarers Onboard




Promotion Rate


Daily Global Applicants


Incidents / Claims


Recruited Seafarers Annually

Your Career Path Starts Here

We respect and invest in the human element which forms our best advertisement: Our Seafarers.

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Elwin Crew Management do not collects or accepts any form of processing or placement fee.
Beware of Illegal recruiters.